Because they said the experiment must go on, very often, people went-- most people, Americans went on and shocked that person, even to the point of the other person whimpering and begging to be let out, simply because of the word, " "the experiment must go on".
and then let us kind of feel out what we were successful at, what we liked... and all that.
So let me go back up here, and I'm going to comment out that region, and let's uncomment this region.
The socialization whereas to know each other, to create bounds and relationships and also let time out, let time out to learn.
How do I know that that's an absolute pass, though? Well, when we set the exams, we set the tests, I sit with my TA's and we say, all right, let's work out the point scheme on this question.
I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.
But before I leave this, let me just point out that this is a little bit more general than it might appear.
If you let it sit they settle out into two phases again, that's how triglycerides behave.
Well, let's get back out into the Aegean Sea and we just crossed Asia Minor.
But let's just think out loud about what these places had in common, and what this tells you about social structure and political outcomes in early modern Europe.
.. What I'm going to do now-- let's start out with the case where-- now it's going to get a little bit more complicated if we drop the independence assumption.
What I'd like to do--and this will be the first time I've the clicker thing in the class so let's try out this little quiz and see how it works.
Come on, let's get them out of there.
So let's find out what the time is.
Let's find out if that's still true.
Let me take the rhythm out of it.