The polis is not merely a city state in the same way as,let us say, the Mesopotamian city states of the third millennium B.C. Were.
Since in historical Greek times, let us say the fifth century B.C., the people who inhabited the Peloponnesus were mainly speakers of the Greek dialect called Doric.
Let us say P for plane, G for ground, O for object.
我们定义 P 是平面,G 是地面,O 是物体
Oh,well,we're in Laodicea. Let's say 'To the Laodiceans,' and we can act like Paul sent it just to us."
Let me talk about what Hobbes has to say for us today, we who have in many ways become Hobbes' children.
One way I could try to find the gene for human insulin is to take any cells from any of us, skin cells let's say, and I could identify where on the chromosomal DNA that insulin is likely to occur.
You're out there in Sicily and you discover, of course, that you don't have all of the things that you used to have available to you, that used to be made let us say in Corinth.
Well, if you take a look at the Greek civilization let us say in the classical period, those other cultures wouldn't have had a clue what the Greeks were doing, so different was the Greek experience from theirs.
There are festivals held in each city just for its own citizens and my guess is that when you could do that, when you felt that you could recruit a full colony from your fellow citizens in Corinth, let us say, that's what you did.
Let us just say he is a person willing to stand up for and defend his family and friends.
There is no writing in Greece from let us say 1100 or so on until the middle of the eighth century B.C., rough date 750 and then the writing that they do have is completely unrelated to the writing that was lost.
Why not? These guys that have gone out, let us say to Syracuse, they are your people, they have relatives back home, they have friends back home, it is natural--oh by the way, they're accustomed to worship the gods in the same way that the Corinthians do.