The same nations and the short life expectancy of birth probably the lowest quality of life in other areas.
You are from New York. Could you compare the life in New York and the life at Brown?
You've had a hard life. That hard life, you think, is really what made you into the writer you are.
A faith life at home, in the mosque, and a public life in school and in the YMCA and in playing basketball, etc.
They're partners in the preparation of Israel for their new life, readying Israel for life in God's land as a nation, as a people.
The last eight lines announce the course of this new poet's life -announce the fact that this poet's course in life is about to undergo a drastic change.
For every person who has less than the median amount of life, there's another person who has more than the median amount of life.
The kind of effort that it does require is the effort of application, of applying into your life, of introducing behavioral actual change to your life.
But somehow or another it's not enough because the otherness, - the mutuality of regard that this story wants to enforce as life-- as life properly lived--is not entailed in and of itself in neatness and busyness.
The Hobbesian state was intended to secure the conditions of life, even a highly civilized and cultivated life but one calculated in terms of self-interest and risk avoidance.
It gives foods a longer shelf life, and so things like pastries and individual wrapped packages have a very long shelf life, longer than if they don't have Trans fats.
I feel like there is a general distinction we made between the right to life that individuals possess and the fact that the government cannot take away a single individual's right to life.
A little bit more crazy over here, but it's fun. It's teenage life, so. College life.
And this way of thinking has real consequences for our emotional life, our affective life, and how we choose to distribute resources.
There's something called "variable life," which refers to a life insurance policy where the policyholder can make decisions about the investment of the money in the whole life policy.
But Welles's life as a whole, was a creative life.