But I would say - I would agree with you - but I would add that for me, good religion and good art - I like this idea -- are as real as life itself.
And so--like the chainlet--it takes that stone-like distillation of life, turning rain to stone, turning life to the representation by your tormentor.
I think of nineteenth-century art as being horizontal and stretched out like agricultural life in New England.
Even what we think in our vulgar ways to be inanimate objects - even they seem to have within them something like a potency, a potency of life or an infusion of divine spirit.
Back in the 1840s, life insurance was very important because the average expectancy of life was only something like forty-five years, so that meant parents were dying left and right.
But even if you do survive-- let's the ground floor-- even if you do survive, you would lead a life of constant frustration-- refusing to accept something that is there whether you like it or not.
Or, if you want, you could say maybe they died, but since they obviously didn't die permanently-- after all they were brought back to life-- how could they possibly tell us what it's like to be permanently dead?
That is, until the great archaeological discoveries of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which unearthed for us the great civilizations of the Ancient Near East, of which I have drawn a remarkably life-like map ] here on the board: Mediterranean, I always start with the Mediterranean Ocean, the Nile River, the Tigris and the Euphrates.
.. It's one thing to have-- it's not to say that the best-- if you want your life to be like the plot of a great story, it's not as though you think, " "All right, the denouement must occur at the very last page."
A lot of us might feel that a life like this, where we peak but then we stick around-- ... you know, isn't-- can at least fail to be as desirable in which we end with a bang.