Satan may be like the wind, Orion, but Orion here is also seen as vexing and destroying the Egyptians whose carcasses wash up on the shores of the Red Sea, and the Israelites, having crossed the Red Sea safely, look on at this destruction from the safety of their shore.
Our story opens with a temporal clause: "When on high," "when God began creating"; We have a wind that sweeps over chaotic waters, Just like the wind of Marduk released into the face of Tiamat, And the Hebrew term is particularly fascinating.
Like the storm gods in the myths of Israel's neighbors, Yahweh heaps up the waters with a blast of wind.
You have a wind that blasts from God's nostrils, the waters stand straight like a wall, and at a second blast, the sea then covers the Egyptians, and they sink like a stone in the majestic waters.
He heaps up the waters with a blast of wind, like a storm at sea, Baal and this is reminiscent of the Canaanite storm god Baal, as you see on your handout. Baal is said to ride on the clouds, he's a storm god, and he's accompanied by wind and rain.