In fact nowhere else do we see Milton literally bursting out at the seams as he seems to in this poem.
And it's literally, for about a month, the whole city is being turned into a massive collection of theatres.
So we've now whittled this problem down into half and so we can literally and dramatically throw half of the problem away.
I'll take his words literally; I will kill the cat," he thinks, and so he does. He hangs the cat.
Vallombrosa literally means "shady valley," and I think it recalls Galileo's shady place, Valdarno, another valley.
And although Jacob appears to be something of an anti-hero He actually literally limps into the Promised Land alone Jacob is a new and honest man.
Everyone is an enforcer or what Locke calls " "the executor"of the state of nature and he means executor literally.
His invasions at one time are turned back when they literally open the dykes and flood the French armies back.
It's going to let us bury away the specifics of something, and treat that computation like a black box. And by black box, I mean, literally behaves like a mysterious little black box.
It's not as though he took the brain out and literally moved that hunk of tissue over here.
And so literally, the company was two years old when we came up with these.
Also unbeknownst to the teachers was these students names, who were deemed "the fast spurters"/"high potential students", were literally randomly picked out from a hat.
I was the only person frisked going into Notre Dame, literally, that I saw.
So what Tony Blair, the guy who won the '97 election, did with "New Labor policy" was he managed to commit to a centrist policy by literally committing to it.
and literally beg you for whatever they want like, if it's money, something to drink, food.
because it literally only cost them ten pounds for them to come to Australia from the UK.