Now in addition to defining literature, literary theory also asks questions obviously not unrelated but which open up the field somewhat.
That is to say, what we're taking up this week, is as much really the history of criticism as literary theory.
This question of determinism is as important in the discourse of literary theory as the question of skepticism.
I first started teaching this course in the late 1970s and 80s when literary theory was a thing absolutely of the moment.
Literary theory is not concerned with issues of evaluation, and it's not really concerned with concomitant issues of appreciation.
There's plainly a tendency in modern literary theory to reduce all the tropes of rhetoric to just these two terms.
That is to say for many, many, many people literary theory had something to do with the end of civilization as we know it.
Literary theory is very much involved with questions of that kind, and organizing those questions is basically what rationalizes the structure of our syllabus.
All right. Now the question, "How does literary theory relate to the history of criticism?"
This is an aspect of thought concerning literature that tends to fall out of literary theory but not out of the materials that we are reading this week.
That makes the subject matter that we'll be discussing this week, as I say, as much a part of the history of criticism as it is of literary theory.
In other words, in the absence of human agency, the first sacrifice for literary theory is the author, the idea of the author.
During the same period when I was first teaching this course, a veritable six-foot shelf of diatribes against literary theory was being written in the public sphere.
Literary theory, as I say, is skeptical about the foundations of its subject matter and also, in many cases, about the foundations of what it itself is doing.
You can take or leave literary theory, fine, but the idea that there would be such an incredible outcry against it was one of the most fascinating results of it.
Well, the odd thing is it's exactly the same with Saussure, who can be considered the father or patriarch of a certain kind of literary theory as I have just indicated.
Now semiotics is not in itself a literary theory.
Literary theory loses something that literary criticism just takes for granted.
All of that is the legacy of literary theory, and as I say, it arises in part from the element of skepticism that I thought it best to emphasize today.
The important thing about Saussure and the discipline of semiotics is the incredible influence that it has had on virtually every form of subsequent literary theory.
This in itself was extraordinarily useful and constructive, not just for subsequent literary theory, I think, but for the way in which English teaching actually can help people think better.
So while again, what we read for today is not in itself literary theory, it is nevertheless crucially formative for a great many of the developments in literary theory that we'll be studying.
As we'll learn from Jakobson next week, literature can be understood--or what he calls the study of literature, "poetics"--can be understood as a subfield of semiotics, but semiotics is not in itself a literary theory.
Many of the issues that I raised in talking about defining literature are as relevant for literary criticism as they are for literary theory, and yet we all instinctively know that these are two very different enterprises.
It's a course which is absolutely fascinating in all sorts of ways, and it has one very important thing in common with literary theory: that is to say, literary criticism is, too, perpetually concerned with the definition of literature.
Now I think that one thing Ricoeur leaves out, and something that we can anticipate as becoming more and more important for literary theory and other kinds of theory in the twenty-first century, is Darwin.
Finally, literary theory asks one other important question it asks many, but this is the way at least I'm organizing it for today it asks one other important question, the one with which we will actually begin: not so much "What is a reader?" but "How does reading get done?"
Literary theory just takes those for granted as part of the sense experience, as one might say, of any reader and prefers, rather, to dwell on questions of description, analysis and speculation, as I've said.
We're going to keep using the things that exist in space, virtual or not, and the things that unfold in time in their relationship with each other as we continue to try to understand these basic principles which shape so much of subsequent literary theory. Thank you.