These are just little things that can add up, so you just want to make sure you're on top of those.
just little things you are not used to.
Or a lot of the times when a website is compromised and you're able to steal someone's usernames and passwords, very often are the result of simple little things like this.
Spelling. These are just dumb little things to look for. Did you spell all the identifiers the way you think you did. The problem is, when you read code you see what you expect to see.
That sounds good--it worked and these little things-- they may seem like little things but they are technological advances.
And after the periodic table was developed in the late 1800's, people didn't understand this quite as well, they took things a little more literally.
The New Criticism, incontestably and without rival, created an atmosphere in which it was okay to notice that things were a little more difficult than they'd been supposed to be.
Okay. I had intended to give you just a little bit of a rhythmic quiz but let's just do one of these things.
That's a little interesting anecdote about the epidemiology of these things.
You have discribed the border as a safe where things the Taliban just go over there, when they are chased by the Afghan troops and Nato and then they come back then things are a little bit cooler.
The other way is that like, they facilitate us in having like little meetings with professors and that kind of things,
I have a daughter. So there's a lot of little parks for children, a lot of things for adults.
The work, I think, is very... I think it's sort of a little bit different than a lot of things.
But it was there for over a thousand years, and we now know things to be a little different.
There's a lot of focus on like little motions that people do, like picking up cigarettes and dropping things.
Again, I'm just trying to highlight things you already know a little bit about, the book describes the details.