Hepatitis is a virus that specifically affects the liver, so viruses are often specific to certain kinds of cells.
If I get a liver transplant, so here I am and we take out my liver and we put Johns' liver inside.
One needs a heart, one a lung, one a kidney, one a liver, and the fifth a pancreas.
So, Hepatitis is already infecting cells of their liver, their liver is actively making new virus.
In fact there's research-- for example, this was done with internists, doctors, who are giving a very difficult, very difficult question connected to a liver problem that an individual patient had.
They're water soluble and fat soluble vitamins that look like this, and the difference between the two is that the fat soluble vitamins when they're ingested, gets stored in the body fat primarily in the liver.
And "What if people are nefariously feasting on my liver ?" while I'm having these little experiences?"
Now,imagine that we've got somebody who needs a heart transplant or a kidney transplant, liver transplant.
When they become more like the liver, they differentiate into liver cells.
Now if you've gone to the doctor, often they'll measure your triaglyceride level as a measure of how healthy your liver is and how healthy your diet is.
I've gotten a liver transplant. It's still me.
There's other viruses that infect cells of the brain, of the kidney, of the liver.
For example, you all know that the only treatment for some diseases is to get an organ transplant: a kidney transplant, or a liver transplant is the only life extending intervention that can be done for some kinds of diseases.
Well, it would be useful because if I could take cells from the skin, find stem cells in the skin and then de-differentiate them so that they were now capable of becoming liver, or brain, or things that they're not going to become in their normal site, then that could be a very powerful tool for medicine.