There are children who by a relatively modest donation to an effective aid agency, you could save their lives.
I have a friend who lives in SoMa, south of market, so couple of blocks away, and he's...
The blind Fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle.
We've just been there and meeting people, meeting Israelis and meeting Palestinians and meeting people who've lived their lives there.
It's moments like these when that omniscient narrator lives up to its name, that sense of omniscience that we might associate with God.
The recognition of those qualities, the recognition of the arete that these heroes have is what their lives are all about.
And these investigators claimed this is because they had been exposed to French in the first four days of their lives.
Gokul says there's a difference between picking out individuals to lay down their lives and having a general law.
Computers are becoming more and more a part of our lives and this is something that is transforming the world.
A lot of these processed foods have very long shelf lives and therefore can be stored for long periods of time.
Let's study those people who have changed, who have literally transformed their lives and those lives around them.
They are acutely conscious of the circumstances in which they live their lives.
But their lives and interests were far, far away from that economic large machine, which was Amsterdam.
I think most people who have served in the White House would agree with that characterization and try to run their lives that way.
There's something wrong about lives, something inauthentic about lives that are lived without facing the facts of our mortality and living accordingly, whatever the appropriate responses might be.
I mean, I think that everyone is, you know, sort of inspired by their own lives and experiences.