And realize too, as we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as quote unquote students.
And with this data, where students were able ; to implement last year their own E-trade-like website; whereby you have accounts and you log in your hand age of your users 10,000 virtual dollars and with them can they get stock quotes, by stocks, sell stocks and the like, all of this accomplished just after a few weeks time.
It would be nice if it was less than linear, but linear is nice because then I'm going to get that n log in kind of behavior.
Now hopefully you're keeping a sheet of paper with you and you're writing down what you eat so you don't forget everything, and then you sit down at your computer at the end of the day and you log it all in.
It's an example of a very common tool that's going to be really useful to us, not just for doing search, but for doing a whole range of problems. That is, in essence, the template the describes a log style algorithm.
It at least does corroborate the claim that merge sort N*log N as we argue intuitively is in fact, N log N in running time.
Right? If that was the case in that code, then my complexity is no longer log, because I need linear access for each time I've got to go to the list, and it's going to Lisp be much worse than that.
In the log case, it's divide by an amount.
Yeah. Log. It's a good think, but why do you think it's log? Ah-ha. It's not a bad instinct, the length is getting shorter each time, but what's one of the characteristics of a log algorithm? It drops in half each time.
N log N is not nearly as good as log N. As a sanity check, what algorithm have we seen that runs in log N time?
Cut the problem in half. Cut the problem in half again. And that's a typical characterization of a log algorithm.
OK. So this is, in fact, log. Now, having said that I actually snuck something by you.
OK. There's some constants in there, but this is order log b.
If we can sort things, you know, we get this n log n behavior, and we got a n log n behavior overall. But can we actually do better in terms of searching.
Log n Log n, because at each stage I'm cutting the problem in half. So I start off with n then it's n n/2 n/4 n/8 over two n over four n over eight.
k * n m plus k all times log n is in general going to be much better than k times n.
And if you ask the TAs in recitation tomorrow, they'll tell you that you see a lot of n log n algorithms in computer science.
I could still do the linear case, which is order n or I could say, look, take the list, let's sort it and then search it. But in that case we said well to sort it was going to take n log n time, assuming I can do that.
On the other hand, if I want to sort it first, OK, if I want to do sort and search, I want to sort it, it's going to take n log n time to sort it, and having done that, then I can search it in log n time.
Once I have it sorted I can search it in log n time, but that's still isn't as good as just doing n. And this led to this idea of amortization, which is I need to not only factor in the cost, but how am I going to use it?
And then one of the things that I suggested was that if we could figure out some way to order it, and in particular, if we could order it in n log n time, and we still haven't done that, but if we could do that, then we said the complexity changed a little bit.