And here I want to look at page let's see--page 79, actually first on 47, just in passing quickly.
Now, if you look on your handout, there's a reconstruction of this tent-like sanctuary at the top as well as a schematization of its contents below.
If you ever want to take a look at -- and I urge you to -The Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton in the CCL collection, you should peruse it.
And this should look kind of familiar to some of the problems you may have seen on the problem-set if you started it this weekend.
Right, and just to get a sense of this, let's look at a simple little example, so on your hand-out, you'll see I've got a little piece of code that says assuming I've got one of these points, I want to do things with it, for example I might want to add them together.
Then I look at all the other non-search applications on the Internet.
When threatened, chimpanzees-- their hair stands up on end and that makes them look bigger to fool others to thinking they're more dangerous than they are.
It had two--depending on when you look to three dozen major full-time slave traders.
So the company--it used to be you could look on--you can still see this.
So, Sal is convinced--he wants to be convinced; he desperately wants to be convinced--that Mississippi Gene knows Big Slim Hazard. Let's look at another example on page 59.
But I imagine that after a period, there'd be this-- Well, humans have this ability to look down on their experiences, or step back from their experiences, and assess them.
It allows us to look not just at the anatomy of what's going on inside your body like an x-ray does, but to look at the chemistry, the biochemistry of what's happening inside a particular organ or tissue in your body.
这种方法不仅能够像X射线那样,使我们从解剖学的角度观察体内的情况,还能了解到,在体内特定的组织和器官中,发生的化学 确切说是生物化学过程
Now look at page 671 again on the top of the left-hand column.
Well, that's at least an improvement, because then we say, look, while you're asleep, even though there's no P-functioning going on, the lack of P-functioning is temporary, so you're still alive.
Okay. Let's look at the poem on page forty-three in the Hughes.
This is why there's sort of--often sort of a sticker shock when people go to a university psychology department where they say, "Look. Hey. Where is--So I'm in Psych... How could I take classes on Freud?
The reason in our radial probability distributions we start -- the reason, if you look at the zero point on the radius that we start at zero is because we're multiplying the probability density by some volume, and when we're not anywhere 0 from the nucleus, that volume is defined as zero.
It turns out that if you look at the 2.5--sorry, the quarter million people on the movie database and compute their Bacon number, 2.8 the average Bacon number is 2.8.
So if we do this and we form the molecule ammonia, let's switch to a clicker question, and have you tell me what the bond angle - is going to be in ammonia -- HNH Actually, let me draw it on the board as you look -- actually, can you put the class notes on, since you don't actually have your notes to refer to.
It's the old gray but dark philosophy that you should just look at value But, one of the things is when people have given up on a company--that's the perfect time.