You can look at it with those poems in mind where Yeats imagines a new world coming into being, ushered in through the blood of the old.
If you look at the world of Mycenae once again, we've already seen this, you have a despotism of some kind.
And so what I'm going to do the next day is return to this discussion, and take a look at a more rational view of the chemical world. So, we'll see you on Friday.
Now, let's take a look at the world of the Mediterranean and see how Greek expansion worked.
Next time we'll take a look at the Dark Ages and the world of Homer.
But if we look at the society that emerges, this Dark Age society that emerges from the ancient world of Mycenae, what you have is a rare human experience.
And if you look at the whole story that he tells, that really means quite soon after the fall of the Mycenaean world, probably maybe a century earlier than what Finley suggests.
Of course, they won't be perfect, there's a mixed character of the world of Homer, but still, if you look at the world of Odysseus, his home, what's going on in Ithaca, there are some valuable clues.