Remember that this molecule, let's look at the blue one wouldn't be the same if I turned it upside down.
I hate to say this, but you don't look good in blue.
Look what the housing--the blue line shows what home prices in real terms have done in Los Angeles over the last thirty years.
And let's just draw how those, that pink and blue line look in that box.
So this is a little bit trickier to look at and see what it means, but essentially we have two hybrid orbitals, which are shown in blue here, and then we have one p orbital that's left alone that's going up and down on the page.
Now, just to repeat, again I know I've got some math phobics in the audience, let me just slow down a second, all I'm doing here is I'm saying look at this equation of the pink line, look at this equation of the blue line, X is when they cross, i.e., they are equal to each other.