Now, if you look on your handout, there's a reconstruction of this tent-like sanctuary at the top as well as a schematization of its contents below.
So I look to myself and look at the past and see it as the motivation for me to move on.
I want to abstract that. And the abstraction you see, right here. I'm going to highlight it for a second so you can see it. I want you to look at it on the handout as well.
On the left side as you look at it are what of my think is more traditional way of thinking about educational processes.
But just to be really clear, I've written out exactly which equations you do have to memorize on the front here, so long as you know those, the rest you can just look up.
Okay. That's the end. I want to remind you a final time to look at your Spenser, the cave of Mammon episode, as well as Dr. Johnson's brief comments on Sin and Death.
As I told you, on the first day, I do look at trends.
And you must know, as I looked on, I saw those men in a short time make the former democracy " look like a golden age."
If this was a sickle patient, so they had this gene instead it wouldn't get cut and when I went to look for that presence of that gene on this gel, it would appear as one large segment instead of a large one and a smaller one.
If you look at increasing weight as you go from left to right on this axis, lean people, overweight people, and obese people, the risk goes way up for death from cardiovascular diseases.
And we've all been in this, where we know that it's shameful to look at this, just drive on, as Socrates would say " "mind your own business," and yet at the same time we feel, even against our will, compelled to look and think about that.
So, if you're at hanging your exam from high school on the fridge and you want to make it look more impressive, you could just rewrite the question as that, and essentially you're answering the same thing.
So if we do this and we form the molecule ammonia, let's switch to a clicker question, and have you tell me what the bond angle - is going to be in ammonia -- HNH Actually, let me draw it on the board as you look -- actually, can you put the class notes on, since you don't actually have your notes to refer to.