Again we can look at this in terms of thinking about a picture this way, in terms of drawing the wave function out on an axis.
Please be on the look out for emails from section leaders with ; study guides for sections which will be meeting this week; you'll have a lot of fun with the creation stories.
I can look at that and go she knows what is going on, eight out of ten.
Right, and just to get a sense of this, let's look at a simple little example, so on your hand-out, you'll see I've got a little piece of code that says assuming I've got one of these points, I want to do things with it, for example I might want to add them together.
It's funny a little bit. It's a picturesque comparison, hair and gravy, 0 but it emphasizes that ugliness. Now, if you look on page 80 , this is a woman climbing out of the swimming pool.
It turns out that if you look at the 2.5--sorry, the quarter million people on the movie database and compute their Bacon number, 2.8 the average Bacon number is 2.8.