Like philosopher talks about the nature of love can easily be confusing, can be dishonest.
I love to bake so anything with fruits that I can , like pies now because it's getting cooler.
I love these pieces because you can just see him struggling on the page.
You can only hurt the one you love because you are expecting positive feedback from the one you love.
We can only show proper love and concern for things that are ours, not things that are common.
Why can't he write love poetry, secular poetry, instead of this much more disciplined, much more difficult mode of sacred and prophetic poetry ? that he seems already to have wedded himself to?
that may seem hot here it's a little hard and the dialogue is very interesting in that point cuz the prince says: "I know you think you can love me."
According to the physicalist view, a person is just a body that can do all of those things: can reflect, can be rational, can communicate, can make plans, can fall in love, can write poetry.
but I'd like to, I'd love to see a system where, where you can work as an attorney no matter what
Well I grew up in Michigan and I can assure you that Michiganders love all those things too and probably even more.
and "how can I continue to guide you through your life in the various junctures, and that means family, that means everything, what do you love and how can you guide your life through love?"
A woman can be proud and stiff When on love intent; But Love has pitched his mansion in ; The place of excrement; For nothing can be sole or whole That has not been rent."
We don't always want to go and solve the Schrodinger equation, and in fact, once we start talking about molecules, I can imagine none of you, as much as you love math or physics, want to be trying to solve this Schrodinger equation in that case either. So, what Lewis structures allow us to do is over 90% of the time be correct in terms of figuring out what the electron configuration is.
so I love, like today, if I wanted to go to the beach, I can go to the beach.
I love reading stories to the kids because you can breathe life into different characters and
you know, if we have love, with love, we can deal with everything.
I can't help but love you.