Well, you could say it dilutes it but it doesn't lower the price of your investment, in general.
Yes, he's asking after a firm pays a dividend that should lower the--you were asking whether it should lower the price of a share.
So could you use taxes and subsidies, for example, to raise the price of foods that you think people should be eating less of, and lower the price of things you would like people eating more of?
The CDC can buy this from the manufacturer for a lower price, and when you hear about government organizations distributing vaccines to different parts of the world, they're buying at a reduced rate but it's still not inexpensive.
So basically the idea is that the more these firms produce, so the more the total quantity produced q1 + q2, the lower is the price in the marketplace for this product.
核心思想就是两家企业生产得越多,即产量,q1 + q2,越大,该产品的市场价格就越低
If you wait until the next day, you pay a lower price but you don't get the dividend.
Buying them tends to push up the price; that tends to influence the yield down so it encourages a lower level of interest rate.