The passage is also famous because in it Milton does something that he almost never does. Milton has made a mistake.
So this is a classic error. I've not made a copy of the list. I've got an alias of the list.
They are very aggressive to be type-A people who just simply made two extra hours out of their 24-hour day.
I had two daughters. We made the track across the Ohio and New Jersey turnpikes. We came north.
Evil is a metaphysical reality. It is built into the structure of the universe. That's the way the universe was made.
My parents thought I'd lost my mind to drop out of Stanford Business School to go join some company that made software.
So, he was the director of the laboratory, and Cavendish made a fortune in the 1700s, and willed it to Cambridge.
You've had a hard life. That hard life, you think, is really what made you into the writer you are.
I love chemistry now. Be very careful what you say. Have any of you made that statement about hating a subject?
Let's begin with a kind of warm-up sheet which we can anchor in these little drawings I've made.
Another way into this problem: let's look at the comments that Dr. Johnson made about Milton's Lycidas in the eighteenth century.
Alright, I can figure this out it's made for like ages 5 and up so, oh, my gosh!
So he grabbed his thermometer, and went and made a couple of measurements and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
With "Mowing" as the example, I said that in Frost, meaning is always something made, something the poet works on and works for.
I made a ton of random things when I was at Harvard and most of them no one ever saw.
But it had rows of seats like that, usually made over a hill or dug into the ground in some way.