He's made good on all of his promises.
I've made a lot of really good friends in a really short time span.
And after the creation of living things, The text states that God found all that he made to be very good.
She's either made to look very good or she's made to look kind of ugly with this frizzy wig and they talk to her.
Yeah. Tell us about the state of the Afghan national army I have heard the good thing about the progress that it has made there.
They don't have -- those men in Lincoln green with the enormous long bows, made out of good English composite whatever, who can fire the thing thousands of yards and penetrate and kill the French nobility.
忘掉阿金库尔战役吧 那时候没有穿着林肯绿,拿着英国式优质长弓的弓手,百步穿杨,千里追风,取法国贵族性命于无形
And it's important innovation in several different ways and we're going to talk about this whole science of building artificial organs, devices that are made out of totally synthetic components to replace the function of your natural organs, and the artificial heart is a good example of that.
And they both had real good movies made about them.