That is we make animation file when you put the current to the coil of the field, getting established magnetic field.
who conducted the experiment of hydrogen emission spectrum in a magnetic field.
For example, the hall prove to measure the magnetic field of a crack caring club.
You've got a magnetic field, maybe even magnetic susceptibility, the electric field. We're not going to worry about these magnetic fields or electric fields in this class So, pretty much we're going to focus on this set of variables here.
And what can happen is that this cartoon shows that if you put a magnetic field on liquid oxygen, that liquid oxygen would be drawn towards the magnetic field.
And when you turn the current off, the magnetic field collapses.
For example, one of the experiments we do is measure the magnetic field of current coil, and after we do the experiment, we all have a passive visualization that shows the same experimental set-up, except we add to that.
And, furthermore, that the intensity of the splitting was proportional to the intensity of the applied magnetic field.
And he found line splitting in the magnetic field.