Ok, double line. If there are no questions I'm going to make a dramatic change in topic.
If I decide there's a better way to get input, and there is, then I can make it to change what I don't have to change the code that uses the input.
They integrate their DNA into the host genome and you might not want to make that kind of a change in the cell.
So which changes in bodies make for a different body and which changes in a body ? makes change for the same body?
Now to make that happen, it's not adiabatic, right. If I wanted to do that, I'd need a heating element or something to cool, so I could make that temperature change happen, right.
Now the question is "how does it expand" and "why is it so difficult for us to understand, accept, assimilate and live according to the fact that we can make a difference, if we understand that what we need to understand is how change happens.
Then we would be able to change our equation to make it a little bit more specific and say that delta energy here is equal to energy of n equals 6, minus the energy of the n equals 2 state.
People said, let's change it, let's make it so that everybody can have something like a DPP.
When they receive the signal they make - they change in a very specific way and the cell can recognize this change that's occurred at the cell surface.
It's just how much heat is involved when we change the temperature. Now, the products have some heat capacity associated with them right, it takes a certain amount of heat if we make their temperature change, to either put it in or take it away, depending on which direction the temperature is changing.
Make move is what we call to change the price of a stock, at the beginning or end of a day if you will.