I have a chart here, which I'll make available to, with a listing of nations with worse literacy record in the world.
The third teaching fellow couldn't make it today, his name is Michael Look and I'll introduce him to you when he's available.
One use, he said, would be to make one's corpse available to the study of anatomy.
I can only make as much titanium as is consumed by the available magnesium.
So if you don't buy this book this week, I may be able to make the advance copy of the new edition available for some of you next week.
Right now what you want to make sure is that there is a time that's available... right now all the times are available... but that there is a time that works for you.
Turns out they make stock data and the like available essentially via text files or via a simple API application programming interface which will be one of the themes of the course.
So if we still have an angle of a 109 . 5 degrees, and again, we still have four unpaired electrons available for bonding, we can make one of those bonds with another s p 3 hybridized carbon, so we're going to make up one pair here.
That's something physicalist or dualist can say but and this is not of--to make a good promise they offered earlier, it's not the only view available to physicalists, or for that matter dualists.
So as some of you probably know, Yale is undergoing an open education project and they're videoing several classes, and the idea of this, is to make educational materials available beyond the walls of Yale.
You might not want to know all of it and that's a really complicated question for an individual to figure out and a complicated question for society to figure out, what you want to make of available in the regard.
We'll make this available because, frankly, you could Google it and now it's pretty moot because Apple has plugged this particular hole but there's all sorts of other bugs still, but it all boils down to one of the topics today, which is going to be that of this thing called a pointer.