Okay, so the body has a way of metabolizing and making use of the food such that you can get energy or nutrients from it.
as a way to kind of further the process of making, telling the story that you want to tell.
From this person--this perspective, a person is just a germ's way of making other germs.
You really have, therefore, for in some way the first time in history, a dream of making all of his empire basically universal, a dream of a universal vision, for one world, under one kind of culture, one kind of language.
Suppose the utilitarian calculus in the long run works out as he says it will such that respecting people's rights is a way of making everybody better off in the long run.
That seems a rather misleading,unhelpful,way of making your point.
Language has powers that are entirely unpredictable, that can't be harnessed in precisely that deliberate way: by making a decision to take someone's words in the wrong way, or by telling a story to make a moral point, as the mother does.
And so here in Exodus, we find that just as the nation of Israel is coming into existence, just as the Israelites are making the transition from a nomadic existence to a more settled way of life ultimately in their own land, there seems to be a collective memory of a similar change in her religion.
The curly braces are then the C's way of kind of making a puzzle piece that looks like this so you can put stuff inside.
And you could interfere with a translation by degrading messenger RNA, for example. If you had a way to specifically chew up all the RNA molecules that are responsible for making a particular protein, you could stop it from being expressed even though your cell is trying to make it.
So either way, you're making a choice.