If nature is a norm, it does not, again, mandate or incline us to peace, friendship and solidarity with others.
The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and mainstreet.
The reason this isn't a terrible assumption is you could think that getting a higher share of the vote gives you a mandate.
We'd step back and look at the calendar and say are we living up to that, mandate to us to put the president to focus on these things.
The interesting thing is that the next President of the United States will likely have a mandate for big changes Maybe it's just as well that Fabozzi, et al.
And as his mandate, during his presidency, he had two aims: the first aim-- to make academic psychology more accessible, - in other words- bridge Ivory tower and mainstreet.
You want us to go out and protect consumers, well of course that's a nice mission, but that's not our mandate.
What was the mandate that he gave you?