We want to create data types and functions, or we're going to call them methods, that are specifically aimed at manipulating those kinds of objects.
It happens to be better suited for manipulating strings than numbers, for example, but it's really a general-purpose language.
When we get to the spell checking, the dictionary assignment, when you're actually manipulating text files, maybe writing some output, these lower level details that actually empower you to solve problems properly.
And do a little practice in manipulating these differentials.
Secondly, as we go to the more advanced part of the course, we'll take a result from this part of the blackboard, stick it into the second part and keep manipulating, so if I screwed up in the beginning and you guys keep quiet, we'll have to do the whole thing again.
If somewhere later on in the code it shifts to string, I might not be manipulating that and getting actual values out, but not what I wanted, and it's going to be really hard for me to chase it back.