One way to mark time is to imagine it carries a clock as it moves, and put markers every second.
And last year to did we hand students Google maps, Google news, asked them to mash those two very familiar real world products together so that they had a map of the United States, little markers sprinkled throughout, that indicated exactly where there were current events going on.
They use food frequency questionnaires, which I mentioned before, surveys, and then biological markers like blood tests of certain things to see how diet is related to health.
So what we do is we pick an origin, call it zero, we put some markers there to measure distance, and we say this guy is sitting at 1,2,3,4,5.
It gives a sense of what this music is all--really all about and since, as we were saying, so much classical music doesn't have a text with it we've got to have some markers in there to know what the composer is trying to communicate to us.
That means that a group of people who were identified and then re-measured every other year on -to getting blood tests and other biological markers, as well as doing assessments of their lifestyle behaviors and a number of other things.