What's happening is the housing market is dropping, home prices are falling, people are defaulting in record numbers, and there are foreclosures.
Neither do the dealers determine the term structure; the dealers have to buy and sell at prices that are in the market.
In particular, we find that prices in the market are equal to marginal cost.
In a perfectly competitive market that's exactly where prices are going to end up.
I'll need to tell you about how prices are determined in this market.
That's a brilliant market timing device that-- I think enlightened people thought that those prices were getting high-- and also made some play on credit spreads and now on real estate, he said.
All right, so if the other guy is pricing above costs, I want to set prices below his so that I steal the whole of the market and make profits on those sales.
In one model we thought of the firms setting quantities and the market determining prices, and here we have the firms setting prices and the market determining quantities, but the basic underlying economic structure of this is very, very similar.
The point is that in this game in which firms competed in prices, even though there were only two firms in the market, only one firm more than monopoly, we get a dramatically different result than we had last time.
This time, however, instead of setting quantities, instead of just deciding how much Coke and Pepsi to produce and spewing it out in the market and letting prices take care of themselves, this time the firms are going to set prices and let quantities take care of themselves.