So, if we want to get more magnesium into the marketplace at an affordable price, not by government edict, what do we have to do?
You start--Your human capital is your ability to do things and your knowledge, which is what you have to sell in the marketplace.
Unlike the ancient near eastern cities, these towns do not grow up around a temple or a marketplace, confluence of rivers as they do in medieval Europe.
Media education in the Marketplace. Fine.
So basically the idea is that the more these firms produce, so the more the total quantity produced q1 + q2, the lower is the price in the marketplace for this product.
核心思想就是两家企业生产得越多,即产量,q1 + q2,越大,该产品的市场价格就越低
Even the characteristic thing in a polis, the agora, the marketplace,which also becomes the civic center of these towns, even these grew up later than the polis.