I was neither at the hot gates Nor fought in the warm rain Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass, Bitten by flies, fought.
There's one, it's a book by Dimson, Marsh, & Staunton that--called Triumph of the Optimists-- that Jeremy Siegel quotes.
The image we get there is that the Israelites are working their way through the marsh on foot, and the Egyptians' chariot wheels can't make it through the marsh.
Russia and China are not mentioned by-- or not studied by Dimson, Marsh and Staunton.
Dimson, Marsh and Staunton look at the following countries: Belgium, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, Ireland, Denmark, Netherlands, UK, Canada, U.S., South Africa, Australia, and Sweden.
You know, I kind of wonder, the list of countries that I just read to you, that Dimson,Marsh and Staunton studied, excludes some important countries, doesn't it?
If you look at his book, again in the first chapter, he gives a list of countries-- it's based on an analysis that some others--that Professors Dimson, Marsh, and Stanton used in their 2002 book.