Aengus is the Celtic name, the Celtic master of love a certain kind of Irish version of Apollo.
Like, "from master of horror Wes Craven", you know, that kind of stuff, you know.
The best example is when Julius Caesar has made himself master of Rome, but he's still behaving as though the republic exists.
Think of that, "the master of those who know."
Or show a master of technician, learning the trade or having just learned this trade, and showing off, which is, we are of the stone we stood.
I served as Master of Silliman College for six years and during that time I would get up at 5 or 5:30 in the morning and start working.
The Lady's talent has to be spent in order to fulfill the covenant of the trust between the master and the servant.
While modern poetry in many of its forms strives to master reality, Auden reminds us, there on your handout, cautiously, that poetry makes nothing happen.
That's in Exodus 21:26-27. Moreover, the slave is entitled to the Sabbath rest and all of the Sabbath legislation. And quite importantly, a fugitive slave cannot be returned to his master.
The master occupies toward him the place of parent or guardian.
In other words, the effort of a reader in coming to terms with the meaning of a text is an effort to master the subject matter, what is there, what the text is really about.
Learn it and master this and master all of these steps and you will master the English language step by step.
Master this pattern and all of these patterns and you will master the English language step by step.
Master this pattern and all of these patterns. And you will master the English language step by step.
master all of these patterns and you're well on your way to learn English step by step.
Master this and all of these patterns and you will master the English language step by step.
And one of them is the quiz master and the quiz master gets to ask questions, any question he or she wants.
I've asked them to give a brief presentation about the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology at U Penn, the only master degree, well the first master degree in the world-- there are a couple of others now.
And then I did a master's degree, also at the University of Toronto in Medieval studies,