But he says, "Others believe that the distinction between master and slave is not natural, " but is based on force or coercion."
That's in Exodus 21:26-27. Moreover, the slave is entitled to the Sabbath rest and all of the Sabbath legislation. And quite importantly, a fugitive slave cannot be returned to his master.
He couldn't legally own the money; his master legally owned everything the slave owned.
racial or ethnic characteristics that distinguish the natural slave from the natural master.
He's playing with Freudian slips. Of course, what he's thinking about all the time is the master-slave game, and so here it comes out, when he's talking about his brother's diving: "He's a master diver. You really have to slave away at it."
They were playing slaves and masters, and he was the master, and she was the slave. So, he's imagining their future and talking about it with Magda when they're older.