That matrix has properties that vary in different locations in the body, but basically it's a highly hydrated or water-rich gel.
and it is the matrix of all future political ideas and arguments in the Greek world that comes after this time.
The extracellular matrix or the collagen gel gives the tissue integrity, and in part, determines its mechanical properties.
This has outcomes in it, it's an outcome matrix, but it isn't a game, because for a game we need to know payoffs.
You'd pull out your pencil and paper, you can do it as a matrix inversion if you know how to do that, or you can just simply do substitution of one equation into another to solve it.
The idea of The Matrix is explicitly built upon Cartesian— Descartes' worries about an evil demon.
This perfectly glorious philosophical example has been ruined in recent years by the movie The Matrix.
In authentic education, silence is treated as a trustworthy matrix for the inner work students must do, a medium for learning of the deepest sort."
But at any level they will still exist as a matrix.
So my 3 CDs try to communicate to the young people who may not read my book The Matrix and so forth try to communicate on the screen.
The other reason why cells stay together is that they're surrounded by a matrix that's called extracellular matrix.
In fact, fibroblasts, which I talked about before, are very good producers of collagen, they produce the collagen matrix within which they live.
I took the second payoff from that matrix and made it the second payoff in this matrix.
It's an evil git versus an indignant angel and we can put the payoff matrix together by combining the matrices we had before.
My payoffs are going to be evil-git payoffs, so they come from the matrix up there.
Now we've set it up as a matrix, let's try again that question I asked before.
Well, what if this division takes place in an environment where there's one kind of extra cellular matrix here and another kind of extracellular matrix here?
Extracellular matrix in most tissues is abundant in collagen and other proteins like collagen.
The collagen is excreted by cells themselves, so the matrix is made by cells.
This is an outcome matrix; this tells us everything that was in the game.
My opponent or my partner's payoffs come from the indignant angel matrix.
Look at the payoff matrix again and suppose I reason as follows.
And similarly, while we're at it--this is not a Matrix-like worry-- if you're worried about, yeah, but what's happening ? to world poverty while I'm doing all of this?
And, of course, the modern version of this is The Matrix.
All right, so here once again is our same matrix with me and my pair, choosing actions Alpha and Beta, but this time I'm going to put numbers in here.
They come from the other matrix.
Let's produce that matrix.
What extracellular matrix you have in any particular tissue is there because there's a balance between it being produced by one kind of cell and digested by another, and you're in this sort of state of dynamic equilibrium.
Well, it's true that it's not stuck to plastic but it is stuck to other materials The other materials that it's stuck to include other cells that surround it and this complex matrix which surrounds all of the cells in our body called extracellular matrix and I'll get to that in just a few moments.