There was a trial of a very old man in 1998 called Maurice Papon, tried in Bordeaux.
Maurice Ravel was a French composer writing in the early twentieth century.
And there's some amazing scenes in it where they shave the heads of horizontal collaborators, which is sort of a crude way of talking about French women who slept with German officers-- horizontal collaboration. And at the end of the movie, there was Maurice Chevalier.
It's a piece by Maurice Ravel called Bolero.
Maurice Chevalier was a crooner, he was a singer, he was--if your parents knew about France, he was the person that your grandparents even had heard about, and he was somebody from a poor part of Paris, and he was from Menilmontant, and he had this straw hat and he sung tunes-- "Very good my boys," And all of this stuff.