Bentham tells us happiness, or more precisely, utility maximizing utility as a principle not only for individuals but also for communities and for legislators.
Each of these firms, we know the fact that they're playing best response, is maximizing their profits taking as giving what the other firm is doing.
Here's how he arrived at the principle of maximizing utility.
It is not a regime like ours devoted to maximizing individual liberties, but it is one that puts the education of its citizens, the education of its members, as its highest duty.
Of course, we will also be talking about behavioral finance in this course and we'll, at times, be saying that the utility function concept isn't always right-- the idea that people are actually maximizing expected utility might not be entirely accurate.
当然 我们还会,在这门课上讨论行为金融学,并且,我们会间或,讨论到效用函数不总是正确的,人们希望最大化期望效用的观点,也许并不是完全准确的
How best to take account? By maximizing.
Find the best response function by differentiating this and maximizing the function for every q2, so we could just... Good, so what we're going to do is, all right good, we're going to... We're trying to maximize.