The square brackets here, meanwhile, say this is a special type of variable that's got multiple values inside of it.
and then I'm calling up and I'm, meanwhile I'm running out of money.
Meanwhile, the number zero is. Alright, it's all zeros 0 so I'll--just for consistency, use four of them here, but that's just an aesthetic.
Meanwhile, as all this is going on, Hal and Dave, the human astronaut, are talking to each other.
Meanwhile, his youth was going away and now this imaginary student is now thirty-three years old never had time to marry or start a normal life.
Meanwhile, let's just finish up what we're doing here and put in payoffs.
Meanwhile, I want to talk today about regulation.
So, main meanwhile is going to change, but let's fast forward to the end just to confirm that all I did was copy and paste what was on the slide a moment ago.
We will equip Jordan, meanwhile, Jordan with a keyboard or an old-school pen.
Meanwhile, when people come back to ask for their gold, as long as they're willing to take other gold, that's apparently what they -they don't care whether they are the same coins.
Then later on,whenever you want, you can take your money out Meanwhile, they invest the deposits some way or another at a higher interest rate than they pay on the deposits and they make the difference and that's how they make a profit.