It's also about merging social and cultural and interpersonal horizons and it applies to all of those spheres.
It's supposed by many that Israel was formed from the merger, or the merging of diverse groups, including farmers and shepherds in Canaan.
I'm dividing it in half and half, and half and half, but each time I do that there's this merging process.
So understand that hermeneutics isn't necessarily about, as Gadamer would put it, merging historical horizons.
What's the order of complexity of merging?
For example, when they started trading stock index futures, both these agencies thought it was in their turf because it involved both stock indexes and futures Anyway, Paulson is proposing merging these.
Well, notice again, on each level of the tree, when I actually do the merging, so this remember, is when I wrote down just the numbers when I bottomed out with the list of size 1.
When I started merging, I did merging three times across this whole board, this level, this level, and this level, and each time because of the way I was advancing my fingers I touched each number just once.
Well, it looks like it took 1 in this case or it involves-- we can put it another way, merging those two lists involved looking at two numbers, 1, 2, and that's it.
Well, here is when I started doing the merging.
And archaeology supports this picture of merging of peoples, a picture of the merging of peoples, rather than conquest or even large-scale immigration, because the new settlements in this period show such continuity with the past, not a complete break, not the initiation of something radically new.
Now, I have to do the merging so I do pointer, pointer.
So if on each iteration of merging I'm doing eight things or more generally, N. That then begs the question, how many levels of this tree are there actually?
But that merging process only takes N steps, N*log N so that's N times log of N. Now, it's a little tricky to reason through this perhaps the first time, let's just take a very simple example and see if we can do a little sanity check here.