It's magical.It's sorcery to take an ore and convert it to metal. It's magic. It still amazes me today.
I used to listen to a lot of hip-hop music and heavy metal when I was younger.
So, you might ask then well what is the significance of shooting different amounts of photons at a metal?
Mercury is a liquid metal, and mercury, the planet, is the fastest moving naked eye heavenly body. Mars, iron, why is Mars red?
Go ahead and just pinch the metal plates and watch your eyes 'cause these do--things do have little springs.
Those are the familiar and empirical objects that we can see, pieces of paper, bodies, pieces of chalk, bars of metal.
This device held here is really made of mainly plastic and a little bit of metal.
That's like bocce. We have this sort of metal ball.
有点像室外地滚球 用这样的金属球
It's made of strong metal, it's got very thin slits to be able to see straight ahead, covered up; everything else is covered up, a good one will cover your neck as well.
So, the active part of the thermometer could be water. It could be alcohol, mercury, it could be a piece of metal.
Basically what he did is he took a very thin metal foil and he bombarded it with charged particles.
And the answer, not that there aren't puzzles about it, but the answer is roughly, "It's the very same car if it's the very same hunk of metal and plastic and wires."
Sometimes it's easier actually not touch it to the metal, -- I should have- TA: It's hard to see if it's moving or not.
And what he found here, which is what you can see and we can all see pretty clearly, is the slope of all of these lines is the same regardless of what the type of metal is.
All right. So please raise your hand now if you think there'll be sufficient energy to eject electrons from the metal surface?
But at the end of the day, if you move this metal thing aside with your fingers, don't squeeze it too hard.