We sometimes put it: the soul is in the body, though talking about spatial locations here may be somewhat metaphorically intended.
Put something on the road that metaphorically we can all follow.
So I don't just mean it metaphorically, I also very often mean it literally.
And in Strauss in attempting to do this will use the orchestra to depict here in this particular case perhaps the rise of human power, maybe as metaphorically represented by the sun, so here is Strauss depicting the rise of the sun.
So Collins suggests that the poem in Exodus 15 is celebrating and preserving a historical memory of an escape from or a defeat of Pharaoh and that the drowning image is used metaphorically as it is elsewhere in Hebrew poetry to describe the Egyptians' humiliation and defeat.
A seed,a strength,a virtue,a competence that other teachers did not see, because they did not ask this question; because they asked,metaphorically speaking, ?" "how many geometric shapes do you see on the screen?"
So what we are doing: we cultivate the positive; we are strengthening our,metaphorically speaking, " psychological "engine"; and we are better able to deal with the negative to zero, not to mention the fact that we are also able to become happier.