Again, these plasmids occur naturally in nature; they were discovered particularly in micro-organisms have plasmids that confer biological properties onto them.
Now most diabetics take human insulin made, not in humans, but made in micro-organisms that are growing in a manufacturing facility.
You know, even some goes pass you on the street and you don't smile ostensibly you don't smile-- there are certain micro-muscles in your face that are moving that actually make you feel better.
You take that plasmid; you put in the micro-organism you're going to make many,many copies of that plasmid.
This restriction enzyme was found in a natural source, it was found in a micro-organism called E.coli.
That is a way of putting a cloned gene into a micro-organism and then using that micro-organism as sort of a factory for the protein.
Antibiotics are chemicals, usually small organic molecules that will kill micro-organisms like bacteria.
If a cell has a gene that makes it resistant to Ampicillin, that means that that micro-organism can survive being exposed to this normally deadly chemical without dying.
if you do that under the situation where you've put your plasmid into these micro-organisms then you're going to have little colonies that grow many copies of the bacterial cells.
So being a micro-organism that got a plasmid that give you resistance to an antibiotic would be a good thing - that gave you resistance to something that naturally killed cells like you in your environment would be a good thing.
It's totally synthetic, there's no micro-organism involved in making the DNA for you, You can do it very rapidly in a laboratory, and fairly inexpensively now.
The promoter in this case is called the lac promoter and normally in micro-organisms that lac promoter is used to produce a gene called lacZ which makes a protein called beta-galactosidase.
Taq stands for thermos aquaticus, it's a marine micro-organism that lives near these hydrothermal events in the bottom of the sea and they live under very high temperatures and pressures all the time.