If you remember nothing else from this course And certainly for the mid-term exam, You should remember the words "meta-divine realm.
The in class mid-terms--the grades will be roughly 10% problem sets, 20% first mid-term, 30% second mid-term, 40% final.
0% of the class will be on problem sets, 30% of the grade; 30% on the mid-term, and 40% on the final; so 30/30/40.
There's a mid-term exam halfway through and a final exam at the end, and there's a term paper which is due near the end of the course.
That's a term that first entered the English language sometime in the mid-nineteenth century, but of course the concept goes earlier.
I have it on reserve, but that's not required for the mid-term; it's just if you're interested in seeing it.
The mid-term will be held in class on October 17; that is also in your syllabus.
You've already seen last year's mid-term and it's going to look a lot like that.
Anyway we have our second mid-term exam on Monday and it will be like the first mid-term but it will be less mathematical.
Please don't anybody tell me late - any time after today you didn't know when the mid-term was and therefore it clashes with 17 different things.
Nash Equilibrium's going to be a huge idea from now to the mid-term exam and we're going to pick it up and see more examples on Wednesday.
The mid-term is on October 17, which is a Wednesday, in class.
So we'll come back and revisit the idea that repeating an interaction may allow you to obtain cooperation, but we're not going to come back to that until after the mid-term.
Grading - 30% of the grade is for the mid-term, 30% for the final, and the final is not cumulative, the final covers only things for the last half of the course, so it's really just like a - covers half the course but it's given during the final exam period.
Again, the mid-term exam is Monday; sorry that I misstated that last week.