After all, I'm going to try and build a simulation of the stock market, so I might as well have the notion of a market, and probably the notion of a stock.
So I might as well do the same thing that I do for these 80 students that I do for my own students.
And I end up going back and doing unit testing anyway, to try and figure out why it doesn't work. So over the years, I've just convinced myself I might as well start where I'm going to end up.
XYZ I might as well do it as x, y, z because we are talking about something that is going in three space.
We need work to come in, we might as well get it from here.
You might as well pack up and go home, and then they'll say, 'No, king, no, we refuse to do that. We insist on staying.
You might as well just speak to your dog."
so I might as well keep going with it, you know.
I might as well recommend you to go to the ‘Grove’,
I might as well -if I don't do anything, i'm going to lose anyway.
It would drive us into such baroque circumlocutions and avoidances of the obvious to say, "Oh, social factors have nothing to do with this," that we might as well just sort of--not give the distinction up, because I think it's very important always to have it in the back of our minds.
He anticipated this power much as his father, a reasonably well-to-do banker, might have anticipated long-term earnings from a particularly risky business venture.
You measure health and you measure a factor like diet, you measure other factors that might be related as well.
Today we know, for example, if you can put one certain kind of element in your mouth or eat that, it doesn't necessarily mean you want to put the element next to it and your mouth as well, that might not be safe.
And so it might well be that Plato himself recognized that the initial arguments aren't as strong as they need to be.
There might be other reasons as well, but that's perhaps the reason to focus on.
We might investigate that as well.
But I think it's just, it's kind of the lifestyle. It might be like a touristy thing as well,
They might very well be storing the addresses of memory elsewhere, but we just needed them as sort of a cheat sheet, a little address card to know where the original values x and y were.