This answer that says I just undercut Pepsi, that's true provided that Pepsi hasn't gone above the monopoly price.
If he's gone above the monopoly price we need to be a little bit more careful.
However, then I'll have the whole market, it's as if I'm a monopolist but suddenly I'm pricing above the monopoly price, that can't be right.
I never want to price above the monopoly price, because I know the monopoly price, when I'm the monopolist, is the most profit I could ever make.
So here my best response is to price at the monopoly price.
We would solve out what the monopoly price is.
Pricing at the monopoly price.
So if Pepsi is dumb enough to price above monopoly, sure I will undercut Pepsi but I won't undercut Pepsi by a penny, I'll undercut Pepsi all the way down to the monopoly price and make monopoly profits.
And notice that if Pepsi has priced above the monopoly price, suppose Pepsi has priced this good so high that it's above the monopoly price, then, as the gentleman said, I can capture the whole market by pricing just below Pepsi.
If P2 is actually above the monopoly price, then what's my best response in that case?
Well, one thing that goes wrong is that suppose Coke and Pepsi were able to either to write a contract or whatever to sustain joint monopoly output at this high price, this price which is actually producing positive profits in the industry it is going to turn out, therefore the price is going to be above costs.