And in very stark ethical terms, I think that very helpful for everyone who is trying to live a life of integrity and morality.
and there are going to be issues of morality and ethics that we would have to consider.
This is a show that features conversations about spirituality, morality, the arts, culture and ethics.
In those situations, you might say, and only in those situations, is it permissible to violate the precepts of ordinary morality.
Now, some people attempted to look at this the wrong way and say, "Look. What a weird topic, morality.
And so, it's a very interesting play about the morality of developing nuclear weapons.
He makes it clear that utility is the only standard of morality, in his view, so he's not challenging Bentham's premise. He's affirming it.
I want to say something about morality and about mixed feelings that people have about finance.
Joshua Greene Or people like a very young Joshua Greene, who does a research on morality and shows that we have morality centers in our brain.
So we're going to revisit, if not the Divinity School, at least in people who have more morality than my friends up in the business school.
Clearly,these issues are relevant for thinking about the morality of abortion.
I'm the Associate Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel of Princeton University. The Inner Core is a place where we talk about morality, ethics, religions, spirituality in everyday life.
And the Inner Core is a show about morality, about spirituality and about culture.
In fact, he goes so far as to say that justice is the most sacred part and the most incomparably binding part of morality.
I have some kind of moral conscience and after I've subtracted off my guilt feelings I end up at -1, so think of this as guilt: some notion of morality.
Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.
Consequentialist moral reasoning locates morality in the consequences of an act, in the state of the world that will result from the thing you do.
And human morality is conformity to his will.
A price that we'll talk about a lot, when I talk about relationships, when I talk about virtue and morality and when we talk about happiness and wellbeing in general.
And so we should base morality, whether we're thinking about what to do in our own lives or whether as legislators or citizens, we're thinking about what the laws should be.
Student: How you formed the groups--How is that morality?
I don't believe in morality. I believe in Nietzsche.
While it brought in many wonderful ideas, talked about the study of well-being, talked about the study of optimism, of kindness, of morality, of virtue, of love, of relationships, of peak experiences, of self-actualization, of empathy.
There's something else about smiles which is going to come up, which your question raises, I think, which is going to come up in when we talk about emotional contagion and actually, some issues of morality.
The physical basis for everything that we normally hold dear, like free will, consciousness, morality and emotions, and that's what we'll begin the course with, talking about how a physical thing can give rise to mental life.
Categorical moral reasoning locates morality in certain absolute moral requirements, certain categorical duties and rights, regardless of the consequences.
And so we'll end the semester by thinking about questions along the lines of the rationality and morality of suicide.