I've thrown away most of the array- most of the list, I shouldn't say array- most of the list. All right?
and said that the courtyard right over there is the most courtyard, the most beautiful courtyard in America.
The pastoral elegy is clearly one of the most stylized and most self-consciously artificial of all of the poetic genres.
But they're, I think, the two most prominent positions and definitely the ones most worth taking seriously for our purposes.
Most of us like most of you earlier, find ourselves instinctively taking the side of Socrates against the city of Athens.
And I think most Americans, our soldiers, most Americans across the country really do want to do good in the world.
So let's do a quick clicker question, and you tell me how many valence electrons does fluorine have? Remember, valence electrons are different from core, they're only the outer-most electrons in the outer-most shell.
Most chemical changes, most physical changes don't happen in isolated systems.
The most important--The most successful people in finance, I believe, end up giving the money away and that means--you can't consume a billion dollars.
And so you can see the pneumonia, tuberculosis, the communicable diseases, infectious diseases, for the most part, are taking the most lives at that point.
Much more from Plato. So again it raises the issue, if you want to know most about the most influential aspects for Western civilization, would it be better for you to take an entire semester on Plato than it would on the New Testament?
But the question is, is this the most general answer, or is it just one answer, and I think you all know that this is not the most general answer.
Now many of us are not investors or at least would like to avoid investing with myself included But in the most, this is the most ubiquitous economic decision out there.
I'm going to claim that assuming that products are not identical, is a pretty safe assumption for most of the world, for most things that you're going to see in the world.
So doing music, if I'm sight reading, playing, it's a very complex thing, but most of the--most of this music and language processing happens in these-- the--as I mentioned--the left and right auditory cortex.
In fact, certain areas of the skin would be impacted most, most dramatically, the face and the chest, the arms, but more distal point of the arms, like the palms of your hands.