So, I think we have these molecular orbital energies down, so let's move on to talking about more complex molecules.
But I'm about to move to Berlin for a few months, just to see what that's like.
Then we'll move on to talking about the binding energies, and we'll specifically talk about how that differs from the binding energies we saw of hydrogen atoms.
And in fact today, right now, we're going to move back the furthest we go, all the way into the nineteenth century to talk about the early Yeats.
This is a story about mechanical objects, -- some of which move-- -- remember those smiling houses in the background-- and some of which are stationary, but they're all mechanical objects.
And so I would ask you to think about a couple of simple questions as you move through this book, and as you think about what I have to say about it.
Now. I want to move away from statistics and talk about present values, which is another concept in finance that is fundamental.
Yeah, so like a giant wedge, that's why the cart seems to move in front of you, so we're talking about musical volume here.
I want to move now to how we think about self and other, how we think about ourselves relative to how we think about other people.
We've talked about one class of molecules, they're transporters that move molecules from inside to outside, or outside to in, that wouldn't ordinarily be transported through a cell membrane.
I want to move to a different approach now and a different approach to analyzing games is going to be about, what we're going to call, best response.
All right, before I move on, are there any questions about details of the class or requirements, or readings, or anything people are having trouble getting on top of?
And these verbal descriptions lead to some pictures that I put up and I'll put up again about how you might try to accomplish something like run an engine or move heat from a colder to a warmer body.
Sorry about this. Those of you in the back, feel free to move forward.
We'll finish that up, and then we're going to move on to talking about the p orbitals.
We'll start with talking about the shape, just like we did with the s orbitals, and then move on to those radial probability distributions and compare the radial probability at different radius for p orbital versus an s orbital.