• So Muslims believe that Koran has maintained its original form since it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad, 14 centuries ago.


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  • Muslims are actually doing quite well financially in America, so in some ways they are fitting in very well on many many levels.


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  • Muslims in India...Muslims, 1/6 one sixth of the poplulation in India are Muslims.


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  • For Muslims, especially for non-Muslims out there, is there any message you'd like to convey?


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  • So it wouldn't be realistic that Muslims, you know, going to claim Vatican, for instance.


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  • But you do have the ability to affect public policy to an extent that it will be sensitive to the needs and issues of Muslims face.


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  • And for the Muslims on the world, believing in Judaism and Christianity is an essential thing.


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  • The way that Muslims are both integrated in and contribute to American life, in our counterparts in Europe I think is a stark example for this.-Right.


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  • That's right. I feel like, correct me if I'm wrong here, it seems to me there is a particular opportunity for Muslims in America in a sense of, unlike say France, where there is a real like no head scarves in the school.


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  • I think in some ways my hope is, maybe it's more just my optimistic spirit, my hope would be that Muslims would feel like this is the place where they could really thrive within their Muslim identity, and yet be part of the American dream.


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  • I think it is a threat not just to the United States, but to many many countries We've seen the Al-Quada a taxi actually kills far more Muslims than Christians.


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  • I would just let them know that primarily Muslims are just like any other people. We go out, we go to restaurants, we watch movies, we watch TV, we engage in the same activities as everyone else would.


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  • Do you worry that they could become radicalized like apparently some Muslims in...say ? in the UK? Born there, they are educated there, but they are radicalized to the extent that they are engaged in... ? bombings?


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