I really have no idea whether it's a fact, and it's not important in My Fair Lady whether it's a fact.
What's important in My Fair Lady is the functionality of repetition in the transformation of the principal character into a lady, right?
Pygmalion was then taken by George Bernard Shaw, who created a play based on a similar idea which was made into a musical, "My Fair Lady".
I shall always be a flower girl to Professor Higgins because he always treats me as a flower girl and always will," made into a better known movie, My Fair Lady.
Whether or not it's a fact is completely immaterial to Eliza, it's completely immaterial to Henry Higgins, and it's completely immaterial to the outcome of My Fair Lady.
What's important in My Fair Lady is to - repeat the repetitiousness of verse-- the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain -in terms of the tautology of the plot.