This is denuded of an electron, it is Na plus.
I thought they were going to and that was to protect people who might be na?ve, innocent people who only have a million dollars or only have two million dollars and don't know what they're doing from hedge funds.
DNA goes to RNA, goes to protein, that's it, and that is the way it happens in simple organisms like bacteria.
RNA polymerase is smart, it knows where it needs to go in order to make the copy of RNA that's required.
So the repeating unit in DNA is this structure here, a nucleotide, which has three different regions.
The nucleus contains all the DNA, and so the early stages of gene expression, transcription, happened inside the nucleus where all the DNA is.
In this same way, this process of transcription which is occurring in cells throughout body all the time is made possible by a protein called RNA polymerase.
DNA cloning, or any kind of cloning just means 'making copies of'.
DNA is a double helix, you know this, the double helix was--the structure of DNA was discovered about the time that I was born you've always lived with it.
The whole structure of a DNA molecule looks like this, going back to a more cartoon version like I showed you before but adding some detail onto it now.
RNA is converted into protein by a process called translation.
That's because you have to satisfy this base pair matching in order to have hydrogen bonding in each of the struts of the ladder in order to form a stable structure.
A newer version of this that works in a similar way but a different way is called RNA interference, and it turns out that this is a natural mechanism that cells have.
NA干扰是这类方法的新秀,它的原理与其大同小异,已经证实 这是细胞的自然机制
It's loaded with phosphates which are negatively charged.
Synthesis always occurs in one direction and that makes sense to you now because you know there's a directionality and the chemistry is different going one way than the other and this DNA polymerase only works on the chemistry going in one direction.
Now DNA is a double helix and I've only shown you one part of the helix, right? I've shown you one upright strut and a base hanging off of it, but it forms a double helix because complementary strands of DNA strongly associate with one another and that's a very stable structure.