And in fact, Skinner explicitly made the analogy from the natural selection of species to the natural selection of behavior.
That is, if they exist through Darwinian natural selection, ? to what extent can we ever get rid of them?
Natural selection would create people who were in sync with their environment.
In natural selection, certain things happen.
Student: Wouldn't natural selection favor the people ? who learn all these things and then practically try to apply them?
And it might occur to some of you that this seems to be an analogy with the Darwinian theory of natural selection where there's a random assortment of random mutations.
In the aftermath of Darwin in particular, our understanding of natural selection, our understanding of genetic hard-wiring and other factors, makes us begin to wonder in what sense we can consider ourselves, each of us, to be autonomous subjects.
Wouldn't natural selection favor the people who take introductory psychology, come to my Valentine's Day lecture, listen carefully to the big three and the more interesting four, ? and then go out there and put them into practice?
An animal who has evolved a brain that says, "Take care of your offspring" will do much better from a natural selection point of view from an animal who has evolved a brain that says, "Eat your offspring."